Web Design Statistics Every Business Owner Should Know

Web Design Statistics Every Business Owner Should Know

Confused about what is more important to users in web design? Is it a website upgrade or navigation? Don’t worry here’s the information to offer the best user experience that will help in creating data-driven results. We’ve thoroughly researched to provide a few web design statistics that every business owner should keep in mind.

Web Design Statistics Every Business Owner Should Know

First Impression

Two-thirds of people prefer reading something that is beautifully designed than something plain. So an attractive website goes a long way engaging users. And, the most important aspect is the website’s design that decides the credibility of a business.

It is just the first 10 seconds that will leave an impression of your website and company on the user. So while designing a website, do not confuse visitors and provide clear information so that they hit the CTA.

Find what matters to your target audience and establishes some trust offering it. It is a long process to make a connection with your user, so keep your website in the best possible condition for grabbing the attention of the users.

It is important to improve overall aesthetics for offering a better user experience. It should be appealing enough that they make the decision the second they view your website. Appealing website design makes visitors spend more time browsing it, thereby enhancing the chancing of a conversion.


Most of the visitors see the company’s homepage, for contact information. So the content matters to the user to make them click on CTA. Strategically place information so the user gets the required information. Guide the user through your story and section it accordingly.

Yes, break content into digestible pieces. It will help users to skim the page, and reach out.


Consumers are frustrated when the websites load slowly. If your website loads too slowly, they’ll leave before seeing your full website design.

More importantly, the website’s load speed is an important factor to determine its ranking. So if it takes more than two seconds to respond, you need to work on the speed.

If images are causing slow loading times, even then the engagement of a website drops. If delays are in peak traffic times, most users head to competitors’ websites. The slow website speeds lead to a huge loss.

A website shouldn’t take more than two seconds to load. Even a millisecond affects the conversion rate. So work on increasing your load speed to increase your conversation rate significantly.

User Experience

When designing a website, focus on user experience to create a visual identity to establish your business online. It is important to have functional, easy to navigate, and eye-catching website. But, an innovative website is useless if it fails to interact with customers.

Focus on providing a positive customer experience, when users visit the website. A well-designed interface increases the website’s conversion rate and offers a good user experience.

Investing in user experience and updating homepage design based on user feedback helps businesses grow.


Websites that are mobile-friendly have higher sales. So it is important to make your website mobile-friendly.

If a business site doesn’t work well on mobile, it increases the bounce rate of users.

Laptop/desktop and smartphone are both common, so your website should be responsive to both of them.

Mobile technology is evolving, so try to make users interaction with mobile better. It’s important to make your site fast and responsive for mobile. Try to make the experience on mobile like that of larger desktops. The mobile website should be functional as well as engaging.

Don’t stack all the information. Makes necessary changes to make user interaction better and offer the best user experience possible. Such design-driven organizations achieve business goals by significant margins.

Work on making customers’ experiences certainly better on mobile sites. A bit of planning ahead will help in improving the functionality of your mobile website.


Basically, a website that loads quickly with an engaging design and contains necessary information helps users to make informed decisions. This eventually leads to trust-building and more leads. Contact DesignLabz to receive free website analysis and consider options you need now and in the future. We make business owners understand the value of a business website.

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